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We Make The Process of Hiring A Maid Easy And Hassle Free For You

Employing a Foreign Domestic Worker (FDW)


Firstly Foreign domestic works or FDW in short as termed by Ministry of Manpower is commonly term as "Maids or Helpers" in Singapore.
All Singapore citizens, Permanent Residents and expatriates (holding valid employment or work passes), having a valid reason to employ a Foreign Domestic Worker (FDW) at their residence, are eligible to apply but subject to MOM approval. For expatriate employers, they have to declare that their family members are living with them upon application.


Employers are required to pay a Foreign Domestic Worker (FDW) monthly levy of $265 (normal) or $60 (concessionary, e.g. those with caregiving needs). From 1 Apr 2019, the Levy rates for certain groups will change ( Levy charges begin on the fifth day after the FDW arrival in Singapore, including the day of arrival. Levy Payment should be made via GIRO only. The FDW's Work Permit (WP) will be cancelled if the employer fails to maintain a valid GIRO account. Employers can view their levy bills online using the Internet Foreign Worker Levy Billing (iFWLB) System via SingPass..


An employer is eligible for a levy concession for each FDW (max. for two FDWs for each household) if he/she satisfies conditions set by MOM. Generally, a household that has a child/grandchild who is a Singapore Citizen below 12 years old or an elderly (Employer/Spouse/Parent/parent-in-law/grandparent/grandparent-in-law) who is a Singapore Citizen aged 65 years old or above may be eligible to apply for a levy concession but subject to MOM approval. From 1 Apr 2019, the qualifying age for the elderly concession will be changed to 67 years ( Besides, a household living with a person with disability may also be eligible for levy concession. For further details on conditions and application procedures,


For Indonesian FDWs:
They speak Indonesian language which is quite similar to the Malay language used here in Singapore. Some FDWs who may be college graduates or had worked in Singapore before, would be able to speak and understand simple English. In terms of religion, most of them are Muslims and do not eat pork. However, most of them would not mind handling pork during their course of work if so required by their employers. Please check with the FDW directly on this matter before hiring her. The Indonesian Embassy in Singapore has additional requirements which Employers must comply with such as the mandatory performance bond, the need to register for a KPIS card, and signing a standard employment contract.
For Filipino FDWs:
Broadly, they would be able to communicate and speak in English. In terms of religion, most of them are Catholics or Christians, and generally do not have any specific dietary requirements. Do check with the FDW directly if she has any dietary requirements. The Philippine Embassy in Singapore has additional requirements which Employers must comply with.
For Myanmar FDWs:
In general, they would be able to understand and speak simple English. HIRE NOW provides basic language training for our FDWs, and each one of them is unique and may be at different stages of learning English. Do be patient with them as they may need more time during their employment with you to learn English. Most of them are Buddhists and may have some dietary requirements. Please check with the FDW directly, our counsellor, and with our consultants.


For Indonesian FDWs, their minimum monthly salary is $550 set by the Indonesian Embassy in Singapore and may earn more depending on their working experience and abilities. For Filipino FDWs, their minimum monthly salary is from $580 set by the Philippine Government, and may earn more depending on their working experience and abilities. These amounts may change from time to time based on the various embassies’ requirements.


There are requirements which MOM has mandated, e.g. attending the Employers’ Orientation Programme, sending the FDW for the Settling-In Programme (SIP)/ Medical examinations/ purchasing the security bond and medical insurance, no safekeeping of salaries or personal documents, etc. which you have to take note of (details: In addition, the embassy of the FDW’s nationality may have also mandated some requirements (e.g. minimum salary, rest days).
Other than the regulatory requirements, just like how your household will need to adapt to a new person living in your home, the FDWs joining your household will need time to adapt to their new work and living environment. They will require your patience, understanding, and openness to communicate and welcome her (who is technically now your employee) into your household.


All our potential FDWs are interviewed by our staff and they have to go through various checks in order to be selected for employment in Singapore. The FDWs are first recruited by our provincial recruiters and then transported to Training Centres. At the Training Centres, only those applicants that are considered suitable by the standards set by the Ministry of Manpower in Singapore (MOM) will be shortlisted for the first round. Applicants must further meet the preliminary physical, mental and attitude requirements set by our agents before they can proceed for the second round selection. Those FDWs selected will go through the training programmes at the designated Training Centres. It is here that those with undesirable work attitude and poor learning capabilities will be disqualified. In short, only the better candidates will have a chance to be offered a job in Singapore.


We will do our best to provide the so called "1-in-1-out" service to the employers as we understand that employers usually need the replacement FDW immediately after their existing FDW has been transferred. We will do our best to match the timing while at the same time abide by MOM’s regulations and formalities.


Yes you can, we offer webcam and/or telephone interview for your choice of FDWs who are not currently based in Singapore to facilitate your hiring and selection process. Due to the nature of the training programme and also the accessibility of some of the training centres (e.g. data connection might be poorer at some locations), prior notice is required to make the necessary arrangements for the interview.


Inevitably, some qualified FDWs may have been found outside of your expectations due to personality or compatibility issues. In such instances, we do provide counselling services to the FDWs and advisory service to the employers. We have found that most who go through these services realised that there could be some miscommunication and misunderstandings which could be resolved, and moved on to have a good working relationship. Nonetheless, if there is a need for the existing FDW to be transferred, we will provide you, the employer, a replacement as soon as possible.


At HIRE NOW, we are committed to providing excellent before and after-sales service to all our customers. We offer a full-range of services that includes counselling of the FDW, renewal of work permit and passports, home-leaves, endorsement of embassy document, replacement of FDWs, upgrading skill courses, arrangement of air-tickets, and repatriation of the FDWs upon completion of their contracts. We also provide counselling to your FDW by their native speaking counsellors.


We offer several service packages comprising of different FDWs replacement entitlements and fees. We can customize the service package to your needs where necessary.


We accept Cash, Paynow and online bank fund transfer.


We have a refund policy on the balance of the advance payment in the event the FDW is returned and successfully transferred to a new employer. This policy is conditional upon the employers not breaching any of the clauses stated in the service agreement between the employer and the agency.


Under the law, employers are required to take care of their FDW’s upkeep and maintenance, including medical expenses. Medical and Personal Accident insurance for your FDW are mandatory requirements under the law. Employers must purchase the insurance before their FDW’s work permit can be issued by MOM. The medical insurance policy requires the FDW to be covered with a minimum sum of S$15,000 per year for inpatient care and day surgery. For the Personal Accident Insurance policy the minimum sum assured should be S$60,000. While these are the minimum requirements, we encourage employers to upgrade the FDW insurance policies to a higher coverage to better protect themselves and their FDWs from higher-than-expected bills arising from the FDW hospitalization or medical expenses.
Click here to visit MOM site for details


Yes, the employer can repatriate the FDW without going through the agency as long as such action does not breach any of the clauses in the service agreement between the employer and the agency, and MOM’s regulations. Please also be mindful of the contract between you and your FDW on the termination clauses.
Nevertheless, we would strongly advise the employer to repatriate the said FDW via our agency, so we can discharge your responsibilities (if any) to protect your interests.